Library System: Formal Analysis of University of Westminster

Dear Sirs:

The University of Westminster is a large university system located in London, England that serves global student populations. The University of Westminster has 4 campus library resource centers available for student use, including: Cavendish Campus Library, Harrow Campus LRC, Marylebone Campus Library and Regent Campus Library (WMIN, 2004). The libraries use ISLS, or information systems and library services to disseminate information to students, staff and visitors. Also in use is infoLinX. The purpose of a system such as ISLS is to improve accessibility to learning materials.

Currently the University serves the following: graduate and undergraduate students, international students, part time students, researchers, alumni, businesses, job applicants and external examiners. Major academic areas range from traditional sectors such as architecture, to more advanced areas such as digital media and e-commerce. The information system utilized by the University is analyzed below based...
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