The article explains that many evangelicals believe that fasting in the same fashion as Muslims, undermines Christianity. They assert that such associations actually blur the lines between the faiths.

However, leaders of the Christian movement towards having such relationships with other faiths disagree with the aforementioned assertion. According to Brian McLaren, one of the Christian leaders of the interfaith movement, explains that the reason for fasting is not to become Muslim. Instead he asserts that "we are deeply committed Christians. But as Christians, we want to come close to our Muslim neighbors and to share this important part of life with them." The goal is to join Muslims in the observance as "a God-honoring expression of peace, fellowship and neighborliness (Gorski, 2009)."

McLaren started the movement because he believed that many Americans began to develop an anti-muslim ideology as a result of the terrorist attacks of 2001. He believed that...
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