Angels and Fairies

The word, "angel," comes from the greek word "angelos," which means "messenger" (MSN Encarta, 2003). Angels are believed to be celestial beings that act as messengers from God; send divine messages; help mankind; and are composed of pure light and absolute love. It is also believed an angel is assigned to a human at birth and that they may stay with us throughout our lives to support us on our paths on the way to greater harmony with God.

The word 'fairy' is a Middle English word meaning 'enchanted being. Stories involving fairies are a lot more diverse than that of angels, but they are most commonly perceived of as small, supernatural beings or creatures involving themselves in human relationships via magic and are usually beneficial to human life (The Fairy Faith, 2001). They are, however, renowned for causing mischief and it is best to treat them...
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