Dialogue Between B.F. Skinner and Abraham Maslow

Maslow: So, Skinner, what are your views on behavior modification, to start this dialogue?

Skinner: I think that operant conditioning has a lot to offer the world in terms of behavior modification. Behavior can be reduced to a simple analysis of stimuli and response. After all, human learning is simply a result of a person's response to a stimulus. In this sense, adhering to the principles of operant conditioning can easily attain behavior modification.

Maslow: Let's make sure that I've got this right, Skinner. You're arguing that mental illness can be treated through a simple application of your principles of operant conditioning. I have to disagree that operant conditioning in behavior modification can be so universally effective. It's important to note that your style of first force psychology has some important and effective uses, specifically in treating some specific behavioral problems. Even second...
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