America's Longest War: United States and Vietnam 1950-1975," by George C. Herring. Specifically, it will discuss three topics from Chapter 6, and then explain each according to what the author writes. It will cite specifics from the chapter and explain them. The Vietnam War is being compared increasingly to the current war with Iraq, and as this chapter clearly shows, there are many reasons for the comparison. President Johnson began fighting an uphill battle as public opinion about the war began to swing against it, just as President Bush is facing growing opposition to the war with Iraq.

America's Longest War

The President's Decisions." President Johnson, partly on advice from such advisers as Clifford, Westmoreland, and Bunker, decided in late 1967 that new forces should not be sent to South Vietnam, and the country should be more prepared to fight on its own. The author writes, "Johnson's advisers agreed that...
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