College Students Need Personal Finance Education

Often, the twenty-first century is referred to as the "Information Age." With a few keystrokes, a large percentage of individuals on the planet is able to access incalculably large databases containing the sum of human knowledge. No longer do students have to toil for hours in paper-based libraries to complete research; most research can be attained in the home via the Internet. Furthermore, individuals can purchase Christmas presents, apply for mortgages, download music and movies, and communicate with every other individual possessing a computer and Internet access. All of these tasks require relatively little effort and even less time. Even though our century's appellation, "the Information Age," is accurate, perhaps the time in which we live would more aptly be called "the Instant Gratification Age." The world of knowledge is at our fingertips, and we can get this information fast. Patience, for some, is...
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