Good Country People

Some can't be that simple," she said. "I know I never could." This is how the story ends and somehow, it seems to cover the entire short story. What we see is not always what we get and the way that people do present themselves is seldom what we will also find deep in their souls.

The short story presents a few casual characters, rather dull country people who live in an undetermined cluster in the countryside. The author presents Mrs. Hopewell and her daughter Joy, who had turned her name to Hulga, as well as the Freemans, Mrs. Freeman and her two daughters, Glynese and Carramae.

Our attention is drawn to Joy-Hulga, who from the beginning draws our whole attention. She seems to be an excellent representative of what Baudelaire has defined as the "esthetics of the ugly." She had a hunting accident when she was...
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