Psychological effects

Even children who do not meet the physical criteria of FAS may experience developmental delays. Children manifesting Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), now more commonly known as alcohol-related neuro-developmental disorder (ARND) and alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD), often have learning disabilities, particularly in math (FADS, 2009, CDC). They may have difficulty paying attention or exhibit hyperactive behavior. They are often quick to anger and have difficulty regulating their emotions.

Socio-emotional effects

Because of their hyperactivity and low frustration tolerance, children with FAS and FAE often have difficulty relating to adults and their peers in a positive manner. The child's speech and language delays can also create barriers between the child and his or her peers, as can the child's cognitive deficits.


Choosing to adopt an infant known to have FAS or an alcohol-related effect disorder is a considerable challenge. Before adopting, it may be wise to have the child...
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