Psychology - Cognitive

Cognitive Learning Theory


Info: Write a paragraph (1) in which you identify one principle from cognitive learning theory and discuss two implications of the theory for instruction or assessment. . (The implications you discuss should be your ideas and not ones that are discussed in the textbook.)

Exemplary Response:

• Accurate statement of a principle of cognitive (constructivist) learning theory

• Discusses two original, reasonable implications which follow logically from the theory

Cognitive learning theory has as one of its principles "Learners construct knowledge and understandings within a social context." In other words, students should learn in a group setting. Interaction, discussion, and collaboration with fellow students are a way to engage the pupil in active, rather than passive learning. Further, knowledge is constructed from the setting itself. Teamwork and effective communication techniques are developed as a result of the setting.

Constructing knowledge and understandings within...
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