Some children also report mild stomachaches or headaches. Most side effects are minor and disappear over time or if the dosage level is lowered."

Q4: Can their children become addicted to methylphenidate?

While there has been a great deal of publicity in the media about how the drugs prescribed for ADHD have been abused, it is important to make a clear distinction between the pharmacological use of such drugs to treat behavioral disorders and individuals using them for recreational purposes. Individuals without ADHD who are self-prescribing, and using such medications to stay awake and focused for long periods of time are not carefully monitoring their doses to facilitate a normal existence, but are striving to test their limits.

Q5: Would consuming an addictive drug now increase my child's chances of abusing drugs later in life?

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA): "research thus far suggests that individuals...
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