Bipolar Disorder: Genetics, Environment and Remedies

According to the American Family Physician journal, "Bipolar Disorder is an illness that causes extreme mood swings. This condition is also called manic-depressive illness" (AFP, 2000). People with Bipolar disorder often express 'extremes' in emotions where they go from the ultimate happiness and 'high' to the ultimate depression and sadness.

These are often referred to as Manic and Depression episodes where "Manic episodes usually begin abruptly and last for between 2 weeks and 4-5 months (median duration about 4 months). Depressions tend to last longer (median length about 6 months), though rarely for more than a year" (WHO, 1992). These types of episodes can be induced by stress or traumas and occur at any age.

The disorder is often hereditary and affects both men and women equally. The chances of having the disorder greatly increase if there is one parent that has the disorder...
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