Henry James

Scheiber, Andrew J. Embedded Narratives of Science and Culture in James's 'Daisy Miller'. College Literature 21.2 (1994): 75-88.

In this article, Andrew Scheiber explores the scientific concepts that lie in the social relationship of the story's characters. Scheiber, perhaps, found that a discussion of this would be appropriate to enable the reader of the novella understand the rationales behind the differences between the story's characters in terms of social relationship.

Scheiber discusses 4 subtopics in the article. First is the Introduction in which the encounters of Henry James with various scientific philosophers were told. Specifically on the theories of human variations, Scheiber discusses how theories of such were incorporated in the works of James. The second topic was Winterbourne as Scientific Historian. Here, Winterbourne's nature of categorizing his subjects, such as the observations he inferred about Daisy, was explained. The third topic was Culture, Aesthetics, and Morality. It...
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