However, Kenyans can also be very demonstrative to others, openly hugging and touching family and friends in the street. "Especially in cities you'll often see street preachers, who offer religion as a solution of the many social ills in Kenya," and many Muslims wear traditional garb, but it is rare for individuals to be openly harassed for transgressing religious dictates. Even "in Muslim areas, religious rules on sexuality are interpreted liberally" (Introduction to Kenyan culture, 2010, Kenya Advisor).

While rural societies tend to be more conservative, not even the most traditional Kenyan tribal society is culturally static. For example, one tribe, the Samburu, has traditionally believed "that girls have no need for education because all their needs are catered for by their fathers and husbands" but in other segments of Kenyan society, women have assumed positions of leadership and have pressured the Samburu to change (What is Kenyan culture, 2010,...
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