social and cultural impacts of establishing an eco-Tourism enterprise in Joao Pessoa, Brazil. The main focus of the dissertation is on the following areas:

An analysis of eco-tourism development

An assessment of the opportunities - regional, domestic, international

An evaluation of the projects feasibility

An examination of the social-cultural impact of the eco-tourism

Brazil has a sanctuary of the finest natural resources ("fauna & flora") in the world, and therefore tourism is in ascendence, and demands for mid-class hotels are on the increase. The development of eco-tourism in specific areas is anticipated due to partnership with local banking intuitions; local government interest and regulations; and a general growth of awareness of the tension between the tourist dollar, the environment and local cultures.

Research Methods

Primary research (interviews and questionnaires) will be conducted to analyze the feasibility of the project. Secondary research will be carried out, in the form of a...
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