Adventures of Tom Sawyer," by Mark Twain

The novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain is a narrative of the adventures and events in the life of Tom Sawyer, a young, mischievous man who lives in St. Petersburg, Missouri. Apart from the adventurous events in the life of Tom, one of the most noticeable and interesting element that Twain uses in order to give character to Tom's portrayal in the novel is his liberal use of speech. Tom's speech is mainly made up of exclamatory statements and slang words, factors that reflect Tom's dynamic character in the novel. Similarly, Mark Twain also assumes an interesting, yet serious tone as the narrator of Tom's life story. Through Twain's character as Narrator, the author was able to give 'life' and consistently illuminate Tom's character and life parallel to his use of speech. These two styles that Twain uses in the...
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