However, those participants that chose to ignore sleep disturbances, engaged in sleep-promoting activities, or attempted unsuccessfully to overcome sleeping problems had poor sleep quality. The study also found that regardless of the coping strategy used daytime sleepiness still persisted. Yang et al. set out to establish the coping mechanisms used by young adults as it pertained to sleeping disturbances.. The research confirms that sleep disturbances lead to daytime sleepiness. This information is useful for colleges and for students because it presents the opportunity to educate students concerning how they can cope with sleep problems. The article is articulate and informative.
Caldwell K, Harrison M, Adams M, Quin RH, Greeson J.(2010) Developing mindfullness in college students through movement-base courses: Effects on self-regulatory self-efficacy, mood, stress, and sleep quality." J. Am Coll Health. 2010 Mar-58(5):433-42.
College can be a stressful time for students because of the responsibilities associated with classes and social...
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