
Many people wish to escape the confines of everyday reality. The pressures of modern life in an industrialized society can be overwhelming. Just sorting through a day's worth of e-mails can be daunting. Some choose daydreams to escape. Some ingest drugs or alcohol, some look forward to sweet dreams at night. Some may travel to faraway and exotic destinations, soak in a spa or meditate to find a higher place. The moon, however, provides a viable alternative for several reasons.

The moon is free of noise pollution. No honking car horns, blasting radios, or barking dogs will be on the moon. The moon won't include the boss or the bill collectors. The moon won't charge rent and utilities. The moon won't require rising at six a.m. Or sleeping at ten p.m.. No phones will ring on the moon. No telemarketers will call, offering the latest gadgets, schemes, investments and...
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