Ancient History

What constitutes a Spartan? Indeed, what characteristics are exemplary of a Spartan? According to Steven Pressfied in his work, "Gates of Fire," Spartans are synonymous with the term warrior. So much so in fact, that one is likely to find the word Spartan in the thesaurus when researching the term "warrior." In his book, Pressfield provides the reader with very detailed and accurate descriptions of the ideal Spartan, as portrayed through the eyes of a freedman, a former slave recruited into the service of Spartan warriors, an individual in awe of the intensity and fearlessness of the warriors he has encountered. One can most definitely conclude upon reading this work that Spartans were raised in a society or culture that praised fearlessness, cunning, strength and courage.

The text begins with the account of the leader, referred to as "Majesty" recounting the following of his most recent battle with...
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