Leopold, Luna Bergere. Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology. Dover Publications, 1995.

Leopold's well-written and insightful book should be a required basic text for anyone interested in geomorphology. Specifically, the author delves into the basics of fluvial geomorphology, otherwise known as the study of the development of landforms under processes that are associated with running water.

Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology was originally written over 35 years ago, and does an amazing job of presenting the basic facts for fluvial geomorphologists. Over the years, a significant amount of additional detail has been added as the field of fluvial geomorphology has expanded.

Leopold's book consists of three main sections. The first part of the book centers on the process of change in the evolving landscape, and how geomorphology relates to field problems. The second part focuses on studies of climate, weather, flooding and erosion. The final third of the book centers on the processes...
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