Daisy Miller

In writing the story of "Daisy Miller," Henry James's intention was to point out the rigidity and hypocrisy of 19th century American and European society in not recognizing the difference between innocence and courage and wanton behaviour. Henry James's intention is defined and demonstrated almost right through the narrative by the way Daisy's friends and acquaintances are both charmed and repelled by her behaviour. People who meet her are attracted by her freshness and candidness while at the same time they are confused and cannot accept her open flaunting of established norms of society.

The first evidence of this is clearly evident in Winterbourne's very first encounter with Daisy where he hesitates to open a conversation with her given his schooling of "In Geneva...as a young man was not at liberty to speak to a young unmarried lady" (Part1. p2). Yet, he is encouraged by the opportunity presented...
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