Ones a site has been detected or surveyed to contain such carcinogens, proper protection should be availed to the brigade before they are allowed to access the site.

Neurotoxic Chemicals

Neorutoxic chemicals can cause damage (reversible or irreversible) to the central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord) or the peripheral nervous system (the nerves responsible for movement and sensation in the arms, hands, legs, and feet). This can be a setback in the fire service if the brigade is not protected from exposure or contamination to these materials.

Radioactive Hazards

Radioactive materials may emit alpha or beta particles or gamma rays. These agents can affect the cells of the body in various ways, but each is capable of destroying cells. In an emergency situation, one may know only that a material is radioactive without knowing which type of radiation is being emitted. The brigade should minimize their experience...
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