Heart of Darkness advances and withdraws as in a succession of long dark waves borne by an incoming tide. The waves encroach fairly evenly on the shore, and presently a few more feet of sand have been won. But an occasional wave thrusts up unexpectedly, much further than the others; even as far, say, as Kurtz and his Inner Station"- Albert J. Guerard."

In Conrad's Heart of Darkness Marlow, the chief character, represent the absoluteness of Imperialism. Marlow as a character recognizes the evil that contrary Imperialism has caused and concludes it is truly needless. When Marlow states, "I had got a heavenly mission to civilize you," he deliberates his moral intent to aid the Africans advance and headway. In addition, when he says, "I was an impostor," Marlow identifies the actuality that he is an intruder into a foreign land, yet he sticks to his virtuous values.

Marlow notice...
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