Conflict Themes in "Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton

This paper looks at the Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton and discuses certain aspects within the novel, such as the central conflict themes, and the development of certain characters, this paper also looks at in brief the irony and symbolic nature of the time. Bibliography cites one reference.

The Age of Innocence: The Conflict

The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton was written at a time when women were seen as second class citizens, the late nineteenth century saw better roles for women than writers, further more with such ideals and notions such as the social realism as Wharton brings forth she was left open to much ridicule, especially as at that time there was many a romantic style still dominating the literary scene.

As the novel begins on the opening night of the operatic presentation of Faust, the respectable...
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