self-Perpetuating causes of the poverty gap in the U.S.

This paper considers the existence and the causes of the poverty gap in the U.S. And puts forward the hypothesis that it is a self-perpetuating problem. Issues considered include education, health and government policy. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

The Income Gap

There is a well-known saying: "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." This appears to be true in the United States. In the "land of opportunity" the income gap is larger than any other industrialized nation (Stille), and its continued existence is a self-perpetuating, negative cycle.

The evidence for an increasing income gap is clear, whilst the richest 10$% of the U.S. have seen their income increase by 34% since 1989, the equivalent increase for the poorest 10% is only 1.3% (Stille). However, there is not total agreement regarding the manifestation and current trend of this poverty...
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