Poetic Style in Pablo Neruda "twenty love poems"

Pablo Neruda's Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair was inspired by an unhappy love affair, which accounts for the poems expressing young, passionate, unhappy love perhaps better than any book of poetry in the Romantic tradition (Manuel E. Duran, Professor of Hispanic Literature, Yale University, Britannica Nobel Prizes web site).

The two poems, basis, which, this paper discusses the poetic style of Pablo Neruda, are "Tonight I Can Write" and " A Song of Despair." Both poems have several common themes, the most obvious being 'unhappiness over a lost love.' In "Tonight I Can Write," the theme is clearly expressed throughout the poem in lines such as: "Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms / my soul is not satisfied that it has lost her." (30-31)

The same tone of unhappiness over lost love comes...
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