Aeneid - the Duty-Bound Aeneas

Aeneas was a Trojan prince who fled from the ruins of Troy to look for Italy as his new fatherland. In his voyage, Aeneas shatters the heart of Dido - the Carthaginian queen, pays a visit to the Underworld, and finds Lavinium, a city on the coast of Italy. His mother is the goddess Venus, and he is a descendant of mighty Jove. According to the mythology, the founder of Troy, Dardanus, was one of the many sons of Jupiter, with females other than Hera. The eventual founders of Rome were the descendants of Aeneas. The Aeneid, in its most basic form, is an epic poem that goes beyond glorifying Rome and her father, taking up the superseding theme of duty pertinent to the people in all societies.

Analysis of Aeneas' duty-binding in the Aeneid

Aeneas introduces himself in Virgil's Aeneid as: "I am Aeneas,...
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