Ergotism & Witchcraft Hysteria in England During the Middle Ages

This paper looks at the witchcraft problems faced in England during the Middle Ages and the arguments used by Macfarlane in his book and also those used by Caporael on the possible reason for hallucinogenic properties of ergotism. Discussing the Salem witch-trials as an example and also the trial of England with particular reference to the region of Essex. Bibliography cites five references.

Ergotism and Witchcraft

Man has always needed an excuse for unnatural occurrences and death, one of the easiest excuses to arise was that of the accusation of witchcraft, the persecution of witches has been seen as one of the most horrific events in history, known as the "burning times."

European witchcraft emerged only at the end of the Middle Ages, the great witch craze occurred during the renaissance, reformation and ended at the end of the 18th...
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