The latter two can be enjoyed cooked or cut up fresh, in a salad. If she uses spinach instead of lettuce in the salad, the subject can boost fiber even further and add a little more iron to her diet. Current consumption of iron is just under recommended amounts. High fiber fruits, including apples, oranges and pears, will not add significant calories if consumed in moderation (How Do I Get More Fiber).

The subject's intake of saturated fat and cholesterol were both under acceptable limits. With respect to other nutrients, the subject's levels of Vitamin C, thiamin, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and selenium were all near acceptable levels. Potassium consumption was a bit lower than recommended; this could be remedied with consumption of oranges, already recommended to boost fiber, or bananas. Vitamin C consumption was more than double recommended amounts, but since this is a water-soluble vitamin, there is no harm...
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