Still another depicts him with a black patch over his eyes and he is carrying a machete. The fact that the cartoons mock the prophet is part of the reason for the anger in the Muslim world; but moreover, many Muslims despise Western values, Western politicians and the West in general (partly because of the West's support of Israel), and so Muslims are outraged that Western journalists would publish these cartoons. The angry Muslims believe Western values have crept into their culture already, and they resent it (Arab politician wearing Western-style suits and ties, for example). Now with the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the West's support of the U.S., add derogatory cartoons into the mix and an explosion of rage occurs; it is a clash of principles and values.

My personal opinion: I agree with journalist Reza Aslan, that the conflict isn't just about "secular democratic freedoms" versus "arcane...
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