However, there is also a more prosaic explanation of the contrasting styles manifest in Gothic cathedrals: because they took so long to complete, the construction of the cathedrals was often interrupted by warfare, and thus they were constructed during different social periods and exhibited the influence of different builders, rulers, and forms of construction ("Medieval gothic principles," Medieval Spell, 2009). Furthermore, even when there is symmetry and surface order in Gothic cathedrals, there is always a sense of disorder lurking beneath the veneer: traces of individuality and the grotesque seep forth in the form of gargoyles.

The layout of the cathedrals was supposed to mirror the worshipper's spiritual path. "Entering the cathedral from the West, you are surrounded by symbols. First, is the pattern of the labyrinth in the floor stone," to represent the maze of human life ("Medieval gothic cathedrals," Medieval Spell, 2009). The light coming from the glass...
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