Dry Cleaning


The industry selected is laundry and dry-cleaning services. This industry has a NAICS code of 812320 "Cleaners, dry-cleaning and laundry." Separate categories 812332 and 812331, exist for industrial laundry and linen supply respectively (U.S. Census.gov, 2012). Companies in 812320 "provide dry-cleaning services," "provide laundering services" or "provide dropoff and pickup sites for laundries/drycleaners." Specialty cleaners are also in this category.

Industry Size and Composition

Industry statistics tend to focus on all laundry businesses without differentiation, presumably in recognition of some overlap. IBIS World estimates the total size of the industry to be around $11 billion in the U.S. annually on the institutional side, $4 billion for laundromats and $9 billion for drycleaners. There are no major players in the dry-cleaning business nor in the laundromat business other than coin-operated. Coin-Mach and Mac-Gray are two major players in coin laundry. On the industrial side, Cinta, Aramark, G&K and...
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