Ordinary Men

Christopher R. Browning is a history professor at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington. His work on holocaust historiography has allowed Browning to contribute to the world's most important compendium of holocaust history at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. The sources used to write Ordinary Men were primary sources only: documentary evidence mainly emerging in the legal trials that ensued. Therefore, the author is well qualified to address the matter of the Reserve Police Battalion 101. Browning's experience and background would not have made Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland easy to write, though. The material is summarily grim, troubling, and difficult to digest. However, the holocaust is a significant part of modern history that must be continually remembered in order to never forget.

Ordinary Men is about a group of working class middle-aged German men from Hamburg who are selected to participate...
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