conferences discussed prohibition movement culminated passage 18th Amendment Constitution supporting statutes call Prohibition. Between 1920-1935 sale alcoholic beverages heavily controlled.
This essay will explore the underlying factors that motivated temperance movements, subsequently, the Prohibition, in relation to alcohol consumption before and after the Civil War. It will address some earlier perceptions regarding alcohol and the shift in beliefs over its consumption. Ultimately, some short-term and long-term effects of the Prohibition will be revealed.
Key terms: alcohol, moderation, temperance, Prohibition, saloon, bootlegging.
Long before the start of colonization in the New World, alcohol had played a significant part in people's lives. Not only was it customary habit to drink on a regular and daily basis but alcohol generally was regarded as part of God's creation, thus "inherently good."
The colonies placed the foundation for the American legacy of alcohol consumption that was to be thoroughly moderated. Moderation was not merely religiously...
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