Setting is a predominant feature in Virginia Woolf's The Lighthouse. In Chapter One, the author establishes the setting as the core feature of the novel. The titular lighthouse becomes a symbol, and it is also an indelible feature of the Isle of Skye landscape. In Chapter One, the author also introduces the readers to the protagonists of the novel and its supporting characters. The Ramsays, Mrs. And Mr. Ramsay, are entertaining guests and family members at their summer home. Chapter One begins with a view through the eyes of a child, James. James is the young son of the Ramsay's, and he is excited to see the lighthouse. "Since he belonged, even at the age of six, to that great clan which cannot keep this feeling separate from that, but must let future prospects…cloud what is actually at hand," (3). Here, James hears his mother's voice and it is...
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