This is closely related to atherosclerosis, as mentioned above. A plaque or rupture in a coronary vessel results in a significant reduction of blood supply to a critical portion of the myocardium.

Although not causing the condition directly, essential hypertension could be a significant contributing factor to the condition. Hypertension in such patients is also associated with elevated catecholamine levels, which in turn are caused by anxiety, pain, or other medical factors.

In addition to treatments for essential hypertension, Garas (2010) suggests that the condition can be treated by means of restoring the myocardial perfusion either by medical means or by surgery. Surgery might be administered either by percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass grafting. Other suggested treatments include the restoration of balance between oxygen supply and demand to the myocardium; pain relief, or prevention and treatment measures for complications. Survival rates are reported to increase with Thrombolytic therapy,...
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