They can then clearly abandon their idol worship.

(B) Gideon's story remains one of the most relevant ones in the Old Testament. People today are bombarded by an influx of information. This information can lead the individual toward or away from God. Just as the Israelites distanced themselves from God to their detriment, so too have modern human beings neglected their faith in favor of materialism. Discerning the will of God amidst terrible temptations and modern equivalents of idol worship requires similar tests of faith that Gideon presented.

For example, a person can clearly ask of God for proof of His will. The simplest means by which to discern the will of God is via scripture itself. Reading scripture leads to the embodiment of God's will. Often the answers to big and small problems is contained clearly in scripture.

When scripture seems ambiguous, the individual needs to seek solace in...
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