Jews Became White

The Nordic races were viewed as the "real Americans" (53)

Even people from other European countries were not considered "white"

The height of anti-Semitism in the United States was in the 1920s and 1930s; doors were closed to new immigrants.

Anti-Semitism was related to other types of racism including discrimination against Southern Europeans, but also against Asians and any non-Nordic group.

After WWII, the attitudes of Americans changed so that Europeans were viewed as "model minorities"

Jews saw themselves as successful based on hard work and deferred gratification; and discounted the impact of white privilege

There was a sort of affirmative action program for Euromales, essentially "whitening" certain groups and creating a new model of institutionalized racism.


Immigrants poured into urban centers, which were more than 70% immigrant, leading urban America to "take on a distinctly immigrant flavor" (54)

Red scare is linked to anti-working class...
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