While she away, she changes her name to "Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo" (1425) because she will not endure "being named after the people who oppress me" (1425). She is concerned with herself and she seems to only come home to take things back with her, including things like a butter dish and dasher. When she decides she wants the quilts, she sees no reason why she should not have them, noting "Maggie can't appreciate these quilts!" (1427). Mama suddenly realizes how selfish Dee is when she thinks she deserves certain things because she thinks she can appreciate them more than anyone else can. She moved away to become enlightened and returned a snob. She wants to use every experience, past and present, to enhance her feigned future. She does not care about her family in the least and Maggie's handing over the quilts demonstrates this to the fullest.

"Everyday Use" should...
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