
Furthermore, social software will only increase in importance in helping organizations maintain and manage their domains of knowledge and information. When networks are enabled and flourish, their value to all users and to the organization increases as well. That increase in value is typically nonlinear, where some additions yield more than proportionate values to the organization (McCluskey and Korobow, 2009). Some of the key characteristics of social software applications as they apply to crowdsourcing techniques are listed below.

  1. Personal profile information ("personal brand") to build user-driven skills taxonomy;

  2. Knowledge sharing, creation, organization, storage, and retrieval;

  3. Really simple syndication (RSS) content feeds replace or restructure the e-mail in-box;

  4. Content rating to rank value of contributions by others;

  5. Practitioners can self-identify as subject matter experts;

  6. Social and professional interaction around hard problems, like practitioners, communities of practice and interest;

  7. Business intelligence (BI) dashboard or analytics portal captures...
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