Marine Mammals

What is a necropsy?

When biologists wish to know the cause of death for a marine mammal, they conduct a necropsy. A necropsy is similar to an autopsy for humans. The marine mammal must be cut open, carefully examined and researched as to the cause of death, so the necropsy helps the biologist understand (through observations of the carcass) how the animal died, why it died, and if the public health will be impacted in any way -- or if "signs of human interaction are present on the carcass" (Section One, p. 15). The biologist or scientists who is performing the necropsy is initially making an objective evaluation to see if there are indeed obvious signs that human interaction (HI) might have been involved. Secondly, a subjective search is conducted -- much more involved and intense -- to evaluate further the possibility that humans in any way impacted...
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