Aboriginal & Torres Strait islander people

The Torres bears the name of Spanish explorer Lis Vaez de Torres, who toured via the sea in the year 1606. The Torres Strait Island culture has an exceptional identity connected to the territorial claim. Some of the history and journals from the late 18th century have offered substantial knowledge concerning the Torres Strait Islander culture and community (Shnukal, 2001). Most of the information points to the diversity of the Islander community, which arose from the varying conditions in each island. The economic activities of the Torres Strait were agriculture and fishing. The people established a communal village that revolved around hunting, fishing, gardening and barter trading (Shnukal, 2001). The inter-trading activities involved food, weapons and artifacts, and this revealed the intergroup relationship between people.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders compose the indigenous population of Australia. In addition, they represent a distinct indigenous Australian...
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