song paparazzi Lady Gaga. I originally submitted instructor file I uploading. He replied back: You made a small, important mistake. Your essay song. What song? What meaning song? What song?

Lady Gaga's song "Paparazzi"

Lady Gaga's song "Paparazzi" is written in the voice of an obsessed lover. The female speaker literally and figuratively compares herself to a dedicated paparazzo, stalking her victim: "I'm your biggest fan/I'll follow you until you love me/Papa-paparazzi." On one hand, the voice of the speaker is completely submissive. She is entirely enthralled with her subject and his 'biggest fan.' However, the determination to follow him until he loves her suggests a strong, possessive quality to her love.

Paparazzi are parasites, living off celebrities rather than creating their own fame. Celebrities do not really love paparazzi but try to avoid them, even though Gaga compares her determination to be absorbed in the orbit of her lover...
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