Balanced Scorecard

i attaching a case study answer question USING STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION THEORY AND FRAMEWORK >>>Critically discuss benefits a balanced scorecard approach measuring monitoring performance, analyze BCom develop performance measures relate corporate goals.

Balanced scorecard: How it can help Bcom plc

The balanced scorecard approach

The balanced scorecard approach was developed, as its name implies, to give businesses a more 'balanced' way of evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. It suggests that organizations view themselves through four distinct lenses: the learning and growth perspective (which stresses 'soft' resources such as employee strengths and corporate culture); the business process perspective (metrics which see if the internal business processes are running well and business' products and services align with customer needs); the customer perspective (customers' satisfaction with the product or service price, quality, and style); and the financial perspective (profitability, risk-benefit analysis, and so forth) (Balanced scorecard basics, 2013, Balanced Scorecard).

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