Fideism vs. Rationalism

Is rationalism or fideism the best response to examining religious beliefs systems?

Fideism and rationality are both divergent and complementary philosophies that helps us understand religious systems. Fideism is faith in the unseen. It is based in inspiration and trust, often without solid evidence. Under fideism, faith is necessary even when circumstances point to the contrary. Rationality, on the other hand, is based on reason and typically requires tangible proof and evidence. It demands factual analysis and shuns blind faith, tradition and religion alone.

The Christian faith, as an example, asks believers to await the coming of Christ in glory and fulfillment of God's purpose for the world. This is faith in the unseen. A rationalist, by contrast, views Biblical accounts more as historical event that are trusted as having happened. However, from their standpoint the Bible was written in a particular time period and its messages,...
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