Bike-Sharing in New York City

Anchor intro: It's only been five months since the launch of New York City's bike-sharing program, Citi Bike, and it seems that everywhere you look New Yorkers are on the streets cycling. In fact, more than 200,000 New Yorkers are biking every day, sharing the roadways with motorists and pedestrians.

Host: However, the adjustment to having new vehicles not the road has not been problem-free, says Dan Flanzig, a lawyer (and cyclist himself) who has represented many of the city's cyclists.

Daniel Flanzig: Vehicle traffic law in the state of New York section 1214…prohibits the opening of a car door into traffic…everybody needs to understand that cyclists and cars are sharing the road. I probably have 10-15 open 'dooring' cases right now.

Host: And 'dooring' is not the only problem

Daniel Flanzig: Improper lane changes. Cabs stopping to pick up passengers will enter a bike...
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