Health History

This health history involves the health needs and characteristics of a 23-year-old Caucasian male. Reason for Care

The reason this patient is seeking care is multi-fold. He bears all the signs of an intravenous drug user and has an infection in his arm, clearly from injecting substances into his body with unclean needles or in unsanitary manners. The patient demonstrates an extreme shortness of breath, dry mouth, constricted pupils and seems disoriented, in conjunction with moments where he appears drowsy. When he walks, he has an extremely slouched appearance, as if his arms and legs are very heavy. His nose is frequently running and when asked about his weight loss, he provides unclear, unspecific answers. All the patient can attest to is the fact that he's lost 20 pounds in the last five months.

The reasons that patient is seeking care are articulated by him as follows: he...
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