Psychological Disorders

Word Count (excluding subheadings and questions): 836

First Assignment

Option 1 - Perspectives on Psychological Disorder

Medical Perspective: Webpage:

The medical perspective on psychological disorders proposes that abnormal behavior can have a root physiological cause. Physiological causes of abnormal behavior include chemical imbalances or brain injuries. Changes in brain biochemistry can affect a mood and personality which can be seen as a symptom of mental disorder. Causes of brain chemistry changes include viruses, toxins, or brain injury. Brain tumors are a good example of a medical condition that may interrupt chemical production and neurotransmitters which could result in behavior that is out of the ordinary for a particular patient. The medical perspective is valid and useful as abnormal behavior can be diagnosed and treated through medical examination.

Sociocultural perspective: Webpage:

The sociocultural perspective emphasizes the effect that social context has on behavior and attitudes toward behavior....
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