Expression Profiling of a Novel Protein

A new transcription unit was discovered while working with transfected murine BAC clones, because a novel spot appeared on a 2-dimensional protein gel. Through a process of expression subcloning from the BAC clone, the transcription unit that generated the novel peptide was located. This finding was back validated by sequencing the protein contained in the 2-D gel piece using N-terminal Edman degradation and mass spectroscopy (Rosenfeld, Capdevielle, Guillemot, and Ferrara, 1992; Hellman, Wernstedt, Gonez, and Heldin, 1995).

This transcription unit happens to be encoded within a multi-gene locus that is coordinately regulated in a tissue-specific and developmental manner. Since the laboratory is already heavily invested in characterizing the gene regulatory mechanisms that control this locus, and the downstream roles of the gene products, understanding the expression pattern of this novel gene may be important to ongoing research efforts.

Determination of mRNA patterns of expression...
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