Flow' still relevant? Television studies

Flow, as Csikszentmihalyi (1990) has instigated, portrays the condition in which populace are so engaged in an action that nothing besides it appears to be of major concern (p. 4). Flow was originally referred to elaborate the emotions of individuals who are associated to sports or a profession which requires utmost dedication during a most exuberant occurrence. Csikszentmihalyi (1977, p. 72) illustrates the status of flow as a tapering of the focal point of consciousness, so that extraneous observations and beliefs are cleansed away, by the absence of reticence, and by receptiveness to unequivocal objectives and explicit responses, and by a sagacity of management over the environment. Csikszentimihalyi's flow constituents have been sorted by Hoffman, Young and Novak (2000) into three basic phases, which namely are flow antecedents, flow occurrence, and flow consequences. Along with this sorting it also emphasizes that attentiveness and power are...
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