Quantity = 3000 X 120% = 3,600

SP = 50 x 110% = 55

Quantity x SP = 198,000

Less: Returned Sales = (6%x198,000)

Sales Projection = $186,120

Beginning Inventory $21 X 400 = 8400

Production $24 X 800 = 19200

Cost of Goods Sold 700 units

FIFO (21 X 400) + (24 X 300) = $15,600

Beginning Inventory $10 X 725 = 8400

Production $14 X 650 = 19200

Cost of Goods Sold 700 units

LIFO (14 X 650) + (10 X 350) = $12,600

Sales and Cash Collections Budget

Quarter Ending Dec 31st, 2011



Total sales





Total cash sales (40%)





Total credit sales (60%)





Cash collections:

Current month cash sales





Collection of credit sales




Total cash collections





Quarter end receivables


Cash Budget...
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